Start your next investigation while you are in Potsdam

Unique chance: Visit the renowned Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

On Friday, 28 October 2022, 11:00 - 12:30

On Friday, 28 October 2022 the leading Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) is opening its doors uniquely for a small number of accredited PRIX EUROPA 2022 participants. You have the rare opportunity to meet renowned international scientists and get insights into their work. After an introduction by Juliane Otto, Anders Levermann will give a lecture, followed by questions and discussion. Anders Levermann leads the complexity research of PIK and is a professor at the University of Potsdam and an adjunct senior scientist at Columbia University, New York.

PIK addresses crucial scientific questions in the fields of global change, climate impacts and sustainable development. Researchers from the natural and social sciences work together to generate interdisciplinary insights and to provide society with sound information for decision making. Around 400 staff are working for a safe and just climate future.

Grab your chance and meet them, start your next investigation while you are in Potsdam.

Register now with and be one of the select few. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.


Shortlist for the European Journalist of the Year is out!

Shortlist of 11 candidates for the Award European Journalist of the Year 2022 (sorted by first name)

Dmitrij Muratov, Russia

Eftychia Pentaraki, Greece

Elena Kostyuchenko, Russia

Elin Jönsson , Sweden

Galina Timchenko, Russia

Khadija Ismayilova, Azerbaijan

Monika Andruszewska, Poland

Olga Rudenko & Daryna Shevchenko, Ukraine

Phil Grabsky, United Kingdom

TV Rain, Russia

Yury Dud, Russia


PRIX EUROPA honours a European journalist who has gone outside her/his comfort zone and shown extraordinary creativity, courage and impact on her/his specific society or audience. A journalistic game-changer dedicated to the truth in the thicket of global disinformation. A person immune to political propaganda and populism aiming to provide transparency, ready to go out and get to the bottom of things, find out the truth and inform the world. Somebody whose work has helped break through encrusted positions and change perspectives.

103 candidates have been proposed by the PRIX EUROPA community spread all over Europe.

The PRIX EUROPA Steering Committee will now decide who will be honoured as European Journalist for the year 2022 .

The winner will be announced at the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Awards Ceremony on 28 October 2022 in Potsdam.


NOMINATIONS PRIX EUROPA 2022 Student Award - Rising Star

NOMINATIONS for the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Student Award - Rising Star are out. Congratulation to the 10 nominated students!

Nominated for the PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Audio

* Christina Hardinge: Life Partners, United Kingdom (University College London – UCL)

* Elena Dikomitis: Drawn, The Netherlands (Oorzaken Podcast Academy)

* Eva Vanderstricht: Tati, Belgium (Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema & Sound - RITCS, Brussels)

* Filip Gažo: It is nice outside, Czech Republic (Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts)

* Natálie Janderová: Plantations of Edinburgh, Czech Republic (Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts)

Nominated for the PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Video

* Alexandra Kurt: How I am, how you are, Germany (Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München – HFF)

* Bartosz Brzeziński: The Howling, Poland (Warsaw Film School)

* Elay Leuthold: „Counterworlds" –About God and Gayness (episode 1), Switzerland (Zurich University of the Arts)

* Hanna Johre: When the wind rises, Norway (Oslo Metropolitan University – OsloMet)

* Lore Loyens: Barrage, Belgium (KASK & Conservatorium / School of Arts Gent)

These nominated 10 projects will be available online for viewing / listening and voting from 23 to 27 October 2022 on The projects which receive the most points in the online voting will receive the PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Audio and the PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Video.

The winners will be announced during the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Awards Ceremony on Friday, 28 October 2022 and will be invited to attend PRIX EUROPA 2023.

Workshop: When the distribution and the content department work together – magic can happen!

Viviane Aubert

Head of Digital Distribution at Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen - SRF / SRG SSR

Manuel Thalmann

Head of Youth & Music Department at Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen - SRF / SRG SSR


When the distribution and the content department work together – magic can happen!

organised by Vivian Aubert, Head of Distribution and Manuel Thalmann, Head of Youth and Music Department at Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen - SRF / SRG SSR

Tuesday, 25 October 2022, 10.00-12.00

One year ago SRF – the Swiss Public Broadcaster - changed the way of working together – and not just a little bit, the structure of the whole company was changed. Now the change is completely implemented in the structure of the company and the new formed Distribution and Content departments really start to work together. In this workshop we show you what we have done, we look at best and worst cases and we will discuss other ways of how it might develop in the future. And we also want to know how you at home in your companies work. Let’s share cases from all over Europa and try to build a better future for our audiences.

Register now with Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.


Åke Blomström Masterclass@PRIX EUROPA

Get to know the 4 experts who lead the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Åke Blomström Masterclass.

The Åke Blomström Masterclass @ PRIX EUROPA 2022 is a two day training event for Europe’s audio talent by Europe’s best radio documentary makers. Out of over 50 applications for a scholarship 16 lucky students have been chosen by a selection committee to participate.

The Masterclass will be delivered at the start of this year’s PRIX EUROPA (22 & 23 October 2022) in Potsdam. During the two day Masterclass the invited participants will have the unique opportunity to learn from the best radio documentary makers in Europe, to glean their secrets and get their advice.


PRIX EUROPA 2022 Coordinators

Get to know the 17 PRIX EUROPA 2022 Coordinators:

Agnieszka Czyżewska Jacquemet, Alison Hindell, Andres Noormets, Anna-Karin Larsson, Brit Jensen, Carmen Fernald, Clémence Coppey, Eva Roither, Kåre V. Poulsen, Liam O'Brien, Manuel Thalmann, Martin Gaarder, Mirande de Jong, Niels-Ole Rasmussen, Rhian Roberts, Riet De Prins, Saskia van Leeuwen

The Coordinator’s job is to organise the work of the Jury Group, chair the daily presentations and discussions, supervise the voting procedure, and make sure that the competition rules are followed. They are supported by a Jury Assistant.

DEADLINE EXTENDED - PRIX EUROPA 2022 Student Award - Rising Star: 'Media that matter to us’

Last chance to be part of it - deadline to submit extended ‘til 23 September 2022

The winners will be announced during the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Awards Ceremony on Friday, 28 October 2022 and will be invited to attend PRIX EUROPA 2023.

We are looking for media projects from students in Europe on the topic ‘Media that matter to us’ for the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Student Award - Rising Star.

Send us your podcast, video, blog, digital audio- or online project. We are thrilled to find out what matters to you.

The Rising Star competition is open to students from European film- and media schools, universities and training institutions. It was created in 2019 in cooperation with the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and is looking for projects that show vision, distinct thought and also public responsibility.


If you want to take part, send an email with your submission data (title of the project, submitter's name (your name), submitting training institution, university or school, length of the project, author, director, producer and other key staff, production date, project description, and your (downloadable) project material (all files must be in English or with English subtitles without exception!) by 23 September 2022 to

By submitting you agree to us making your project available for viewing online if it gets nominated. Please make sure that you have cleared all rights.


We aim to present a cross-section of the best work from the best: projects that are particularly imaginative, original or personal.

All submissions will be screened or listened to, checked, and evaluated at least twice in written form by a team of independent European experts.

Pre-selection results will be published online on 10 October 2022: 10 entries will be nominated for the competition and will be available online for viewing / listening and voting from 23 to 27 October 2022 on

And the Winner is…

The audio - and video project which receives the most points in the 5 days of the online voting will receive the

* PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Audio

* PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Video.

Submitting an entry for the PRIX EUROPA 2022 competition implies full acceptance of this procedure.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with us at

16 scholarships awarded for the Åke Blomström Masterclass@PRIX EUROPA

A two day training event for Europe’s audio talents by Europe’s best documentary makers. Over 50 applications for a scholarship have been thoroughly checked by the selection committee.

The decision has been made and the 16 scholarships will go to:

Agnieszka Loch from Poland

Ed Coulson from Ireland

Fiona Mcgarry from Ireland

Hege Omre from Norway

Irene Dani from Italy

Isa Tubbax from Belgium

Judith Geffert from Germany

Kim Neubauer from Germany

Kristján Guðjónsson from Iceland 

Mads Bjørn Lundsgaard from Denmark

Martin Klusak from the Czech Republic

Pauline Augustyn from Belgium

Rikke Huan Clemmesen from Denmark

Samuli Ala-Lahti from Finland

Talia Augustidis from the United Kingdom

Tereza Simanová from Slovakia


We will see you in Potsdam on 22 & 23 October 2022!

What happened to Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova?


What happened to Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova honoured as PRIX EUROPA European Journalist of the Year 2021?

On 3 September 2022 Darya Chultsova was released after serving a full two-year sentence in the women’s penal colony in Gomel, south-western Belarus. At least one good news…

The situation is quite different for Katsiaryna Andreyeva who was sentenced to eight years in jail for treason in July 2022 and got a new prison term on top of one she was already serving.

On November 15, 2020 27 year-old Katsiaryna Andreyeva and her 23-year old colleague and camerawoman Darya Chultsova live-streamed for five hours a protest against the authoritarian Belarusian president, Alexander Lukashenko. Hundreds of people had gathered to commemorate Raman Bandarenka—an activist beaten to death, allegedly by plain clothed police officers — and demand justice for his death. The two journalists were found supposedly guilty of “organising activities violating public order” by a district court in Minsk on 18 February 2021 and sentenced to two years in a labour colony.

187 Programmes nominated to compete for the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Awards

To this year's competition 255 media organisations submitted a total of 606 outstanding productions have been listened to or screened over the last 12 weeks. This was done by a group of independent experts who do not belong to any broadcaster and do not have an entry of their own. Each submission was evaluated at least twice in written form, using the parameters of the particular PRIX EUROPA voting sheet for each category.

Finally 187 programmes from 28 countries have been chosen to compete in this year’s competition:

20 Digital Media projects

29 Radio Fiction programmes

28 Radio Documentary programmes

16 Radio Current Affairs programmes

17 Radio Music programmes

23 TV Fiction programmes

21 TV Documentary programmes

19 TV Current Affairs programmes

14 TV Iris programmes

Nominations for the Student Award - Rising Star competition will be published on 10 October 2022


Please find here all nominated programmes sorted by category and the English programme title.


Who is your European Journalist of the Year 2022?

 Who is your Journalist of the Year 2022?

PRIX EUROPA wants to honour a European journalist who has gone outside her/his comfort zone and shown extraordinary creativity, courage and impact on her/his specific society or audience. We are looking for a journalistic game-changer dedicated to the truth in the thicket of global disinformation.

A person immune to political propaganda and populism aiming to provide transparency, ready to go out and get to the bottom of things, find out the truth and inform the world. Somebody whose work has helped break through encrusted positions and change perspectives.

Does anyone come to mind? Proposals from all genres and formats of journalism are very welcome.

Please suggest your candidate for the PRIX EUROPA Award as European Journalist of the Year 2022 by sending her/his professional cv, contact details and a short explanation for your proposal.


Deadline: 30 September 2022

Take a look at who has been awarded in the last years.


Personal Registration is open!

Personal Registration to PRIX EUROPA 2022 in Potsdam is open!

Join us from 23 to 28 October 2022 in Potsdam and register as Jury Member or Observer for the competition.

This week-long media competition and festival features and awards the best European television-, radio- and digital media productions with the aim of publicising them throughout Europe and supporting their continental distribution and use. A unique system of open juries is at the core of the festival, enabling also the makers of the nominated productions to come into the Jury Group of their respective genre and see / hear and talk about what is being produced by colleagues in other countries. This creates a unique week-long European forum, a place where media professionals can move out of the box, can network and enter into an exchange about their craft and the pressing themes of the year.

At PRIX EUROPA we want to create conversations. We want to enable a fair discussion and find a common denominator between societies and countries that are drifting apart in disapproval and even hate. Take part in the European exchange where a multitude of perspectives can be seen or heard.
Be there and become part of the community that will meet in Potsdam, Schiffbauergasse between 23 - 28 October 2022 to select and celebrate Europe’s Best Digital Media, Radio and Television productions!

Media that matter – Together in Europe!

You find more on our jury system here.

For PRIX EUROPA participants we have pre-booked rooms near the festival venue on a first-come, first-served basis.


CALL - PRIX EUROPA 2022 Student Award - Rising Star: 'Media that matter to us’

Call for entries

We are looking for media projects from students in Europe on the topic ‘Media that matter to us’ for the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Student Award - Rising Star.

Send us your podcast, video, blog, digital audio- or online project. We are thrilled to find out what matters to you.

The Rising Star competition is open to students from European film- and media schools, universities and training institutions. It was created in 2019 in cooperation with the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and is looking for projects that show vision, distinct thought and also public responsibility.


If you want to take part, send an email with your submission data (title of the project, submitter's name (your name), submitting training institution, university or school, length of the project, author, director, producer and other key staff, production date, project description, and your (downloadable) project material (all files must be in English or with English subtitles without exception!) by 15 September 2022 to

By submitting you agree to us making your project available for viewing online if it gets nominated. Please make sure that you have cleared all rights.


We aim to present a cross-section of the best work from the best: projects that are particularly imaginative, original or personal.

Between 15 September and 30 September 2022 all submissions will be screened or listened to, checked, and evaluated at least twice in written form by a team of independent European experts.

Pre-selection results will be published online on 10 October 2022: 10 entries will be nominated for the competition and will be available online for viewing / listening and voting from 23 to 27 October 2022 on

And the Winner is…

The audio - and video project which receives the most points in the 5 days of the online voting will receive the

* PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Audio

* PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Video.

The winners will be announced during the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Awards Ceremony on Friday, 28 October 2022.

Submitting an entry for the PRIX EUROPA 2022 competition implies full acceptance of this procedure.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with us at

Grants available for the Åke Blomström Masterclass@PRIX EUROPA

Grants available for the Åke Blomström Masterclass@PRIX EUROPA

A two day training event for Europe’s audio talent by Europe’s best radio documentary makers.

Apply now for a scholarship to the prestigious Åke Blomström Masterclass delivered at the start of this year’s PRIX EUROPA (22 & 23 October 2022) in Potsdam. During the two day Masterclass you will have the unique opportunity to learn from the best radio documentary makers in Europe, to glean their secrets and get their advice. In the follow-up you will be tutored online and complete the training with an Åke Blomström Masterclass Certificate.

To be eligible for one (of ten) scholarships, submit a 5-minute edited audio production demonstrating the creative use of audio as well as a CV and a covering letter outlining why you wish to attend the Åke Blomström Masterclass. The scholarship covers your attendance fee and travel support. Please send your application by 16 August 2022 to

On 9 September we will publish the winners at the IFC and PRIX EUROPA website and you’ll find out if your application was successful. Good luck!

Ready steady go: Submit your BEST now!

PRIX EUROPA President, Katja Wildermuth (Director General of Bayerischer Rundfunk / ARD) calls all media makers based in Europe to submit their best digital media, radio and television programmes which show vision, creativity and also public responsibility:
"Independent and trustworthy media are more important than ever. PRIX EUROPA brings together the best of Public Service Programming in Europe."

The submission platform for the PRIX EUROPA 2022 competition is open!

Please consult the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Regulations before submitting until 1 July 2022 at the latest.
If you have questions, please get in touch. The registration of an entry for the PRIX EUROPA 2022 competition implies full acceptance of the regulations.

By Monday 5 September 2022 the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Nominations will be published on the PRIX EUROPA website!

PRIX EUROPA 2022 Regulations

PRIX EUROPA 2022 Regulations

Today on the World Press Freedom Day, PRIX EUROPA is opening this year’s call for entries: Media makers are called upon to submit their productions which show vision creativity and also public responsibility according to this year’s slogan
Media that matter - Together in Europe. PRIX EUROPA 2022 is looking for television-, radio- and digital productions that strengthen dialogue in our progressively polarised societies.
The competition is open to all broadcasters and production companies based in Europe who commit to upholding public service values. Programme-makers from diverse backgrounds are explicitly encouraged to submit their work.

A unique feature of the competition is the adjudication by open Jury Groups, who publicly discuss and then vote for the nominated productions, thereby determining the 14 PRIX EUROPA award winners.
The submission platform will be open from 18 May to 1 July 2022.
We look forward to receiving your inspiring, encouraging and courageous media productions.

The call for proposals for the 2022 awards for the EUROPEAN JOURNALIST OF THE YEAR and the PRIX EUROPA RISING STAR will be published in June.



Amaithi ・Aman・Ashtee・Bakea・Baris・Béke・Bake・Damai・Fois・Fred・Frieden・Friður・Hasîtî・Hau・Heddwch・Heiwa・Iri’ni・Kapayapaan・Khanhaghutyun・Lùmana・Mier・Miers・Mir・Nimuhóre・Pace・Paçi・Paco・Paixpaqe・Pau・Pax・Paz・Peace・Peoc’h・Pingan・Pokój・Pyonhg’hwa・Rahu・Rukun・Saanti・Salam・Santipap・Shalom・Shanti・Síocháin・Soksang・Solh・Spokój・Sulh・Taika・Vrede・ειρήνη・мир・свет・פרידן・მშვიდობა 

Please sign the manifesto 'Protect Children on the Move'

Please sign the manifesto ‘Protect Children on the Move’

Last Friday, 15 October 2021 the PRIX EUROPA 2021 for the Best TV Documentary of the Year was awarded to ‘Shadow Game’ in Potsdam. In Shadow Game, directors Eefje Blankevoort and Els van Driel follow teenagers on a hellish journey through Europe. They are fleeing war and violence. Every day they try to cross perilous borders, in search of safety and a better life. Abuse and hardship are a daily reality. 

Together with the youngsters from the film the directors have made a manifesto in which they urge to uphold the rights of refugee children as we have pledged to do in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Please spare one minute of your time and sign here:




PRIX EUROPA 2021 Winners

Thomas Ecke / rbb

Thomas Ecke / rbb

Congratulations to all our winners!


European Journalist of the Year 2021:

Katsiaryna Andreyeva, Darya Chultsova

from Belarus


PRIX EUROPA Best European Digital Audio Project of the Year 2021:

Donate Your Speech

Yle, the Finnish Broadcasting Company, Finland

Directors: Pia Erkinheimo, Krister Linden

Producer: Jyri Loikkanen

Special Commendation:

Tatort - The Interactive Audio Drama

Bayerischer Rundfunk - BR / ARD, Germany

Author: Daniel Wild

Director: Martin Heindel

Producers: Klaus Uhrig, Manuela Baldauf, Ulrike Ebenbeck, Martina Müller-Wallraf


PRIX EUROPA Best European Online Media Project of the Year 2021:

The Cycle Club 

VPRO, The Netherlands

Author and Director: Eefje Suijkerbuijk

Producers: Eritia de Jonghe, Rens Mevissen

Special Commendation:

Seven Grams

France Télévisions, France

Author and Director: Karim Ben Khalifa

Producer: Chloé Jarry


PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Fiction of the Year 2021:


ARTE Radio, France

Author: Klaire fait Grr

Directors: Klaire fait Grr, Arnaud Forest

Producer: Silvain Gire

Special Commendation:

The Lion

Eesti Rahvusringhääling - ERR / Estonian Public Broadcasting, Estonia

Author: Martin Algus 

Director and Producer: Andres Noormets


PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Fiction Series of the Year 2021:

The System, Level One: Get Naked

British Broadcasting Corporation - BBC Scotland, United Kingdom

Author: Ben Lewis

Director and Producer: Kirsty Williams

Special Commendation:

Outskirt Sweden: Feminist Nuclear Weapons

Sveriges Radio - SR, Sweden

Authors: Åsa Asptjärn, Gertrud Larsson

Directors: Åsa Asptjärn, Gertrud Larsson, Magnus Berg

Producer: Magnus Berg


PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Documentary of the Year 2021:

Fly or Die

Marta Medvešek, Croatia

Author, Director, Producer: Marta Medvešek

Special Commendation:

Less and Less Soul

Polskie Radio SA, Poland

Author, Director, Producer: Agnieszka Czyżewska Jacquemet


PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Documentary Series of the Year 2021:

The Manipulator

Sveriges Radio - SR, Sweden

Author and Director: Daniel Velasco

Producer: Ylva Lindgren

Special Commendation:

The Northern Bank Job: Unexpected Visitors

British Broadcasting Corporation - BBC Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Author: Glenn Patterson

Director: Andy Martin

Producer: Conor Garrett


PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Investigation of the Year 2021:

Blood Lands

British Broadcasting Corporation - BBC, United Kingdom

Author: Andrew Harding

Director: Bridget Harney

Producer: Becky Lipscombe

Special Commendation:

Where Is George Gibney?

Second Captains, Ireland

Author, Director and Producer: Mark Horgan


PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Music Programme of the Year 2021:

Concert for Animals / A Hushed Conversation With the Landscape

Český rozhlas - Czech Radio, Czech Republic

Authors: Ladislav Železný, Zdeněk, Závodný, Filip Jakš, David Danel, Ivan Boreš, Martin Režný, Jiří Suchánek, Martin Janíček, Ian Mikyska, Milan Jakeš, Matuš Kabolka

Director and Producer: Ladislav Železný

Special Commendation:

Sechs Musikalische Sternstunden

Radiotelevisione svizzera - RSI / SRG SSR, Switzerland

Author, Director and Producer: Daniel Bilenko


PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Movie of the Year 2021:

Nobody’s Child    

France Télévisions, France

Authors: Dominique Garnier, Zoé Galeron

Director: Akim Isker

Producer: Arnaud Figaret

Special Commendation:

Like Queens

Scarlett Production, France

Authors: Sandrine Gregor, Melina Jochum

Director: Marion Vernoux

Producer: Joëy Faré 


PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Fiction Series of the Year 2021:


Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroep - VRT, Belgium

Authors: Gilles Coulier, Wannes Destoop, Dominique Van Malder, Tom Dupont

Director: Wannes Destoop

Producers: Gilles Coulier, Gilles De Schryver, Wouter Sap

Special Commendation:

Thin Blue Line

Sveriges Television - SVT, Sweden

Author: Cilla Jackert

Director: Sanna Lenken

Producers: Martin Persson,  Erik Magnusson; Mats Alders, Miira Paasilinna (Executive producers)


PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Documentary of the Year 2021:

Shadow Game

Witfilm, The Netherlands

Authors and Directors: Els van Driel, Eefje Blankevoort

Producer: Femke de Wild, Nazima Mintjes Iris Lammertsma (Creative Prod.) Boudewijn Koole (Executive Producer)

Special Commendation:

In Search of Monsters

Hoferichter & Jacobs GmbH, Germany

Author and Director: John Goetz

Producer: Olaf Jacobs


PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Documentary Series of the Year 2021:

Absolute Beginners 

Bullitt Film, Denmark

Author and Director: Thora Lorentzen

Producer: Rikke Tambo Andersen

Special Commendation:

The Mole: Undercover in North Korea

Piraya Film I AS, Norway 

Author and Director: Mads Brügger

Producer: Bjarte Mørner Tveit


PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Investigation of the Year 2021:

Planet Without Apes

Norddeutscher Rundfunk - NDR / ARD, Germany

Author and Director: Felix Meschede

Producer: Nicole Deblaere

Special Commendation:

Kalla Fakta: Decade - In Assange's Shadow

TV4 - Sweden, Sweden

Authors and Directors: Hans Johansson, Nicke Nordmark

Producer: Jonas Alsgren


PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Programme of the Year 2021 about Cultural Diversity

Faith Can Move Mountains

Medieoperatørene as, Norway

Author and Director: Silje Evensmo Jacobsen

Producer: Ingvil Giske

Special Commendation:


HUMAN, The Netherlands

Authors: Ester Gould, Sarah Sylbing

Directors: Ester Gould, Sarah Sylbing, Daan Bol

Producers: Judith Vreriks, Annemiek Munneke