PRIX EUROPA 2022 Coordinators

Get to know the 17 PRIX EUROPA 2022 Coordinators:

Agnieszka Czyżewska Jacquemet, Alison Hindell, Andres Noormets, Anna-Karin Larsson, Brit Jensen, Carmen Fernald, Clémence Coppey, Eva Roither, Kåre V. Poulsen, Liam O'Brien, Manuel Thalmann, Martin Gaarder, Mirande de Jong, Niels-Ole Rasmussen, Rhian Roberts, Riet De Prins, Saskia van Leeuwen

The Coordinator’s job is to organise the work of the Jury Group, chair the daily presentations and discussions, supervise the voting procedure, and make sure that the competition rules are followed. They are supported by a Jury Assistant.