1987 Amsterdam
The Council of Europe, the European Parliament and the European Cultural
Foundation together initiate the first edition of PRIX EUROPA in Amsterdam, the
European Capital of Culture of that year. From there the Prix Europa travels the continent:

1988 Berlin - 1989 Strasbourg - 1990 Barcelona - 1991 Reykjavik - 1992 Berlin

1993 Porto: the name ‘PRIX EUROPA’ is copyrighted - 1994   Once again Berlin

1995 Marseille: Last stop on the trip around Europe.

1996 Berlin and Potsdam The first jubilee of PRIX EUROPA celebrating 10 years.
The regions Berlin and Brandenburg together offer an organisational stay and a fixed abode. Princess Margriet of the Netherlands and Premier Manfred Stolpe hand over the prizes in the Filmstudios Babelsberg. The winning film from Lithuania ‘The Life of the Elves’ is later broadcast in 10 countries.

1997 Prix Europa and Prix Futura Berlin fuse into an annual weeklong festival open to TV and Radio programmes ‘Made in Europe’.

1999 From now on prizewinners receive The Taurus, a handcrafted trophy.

2000 The Dutch NPS fuses its hitherto independent PRIX IRIS with PRIX EUROPA.

2001 Doors open for a third medium - Europe’s web designers and Online-developers send their best projects into the new Internet Category.

2003 Broadcast technical world premiere: live transmission of Opening Concert
in 5.1. technology, 1st Radio Day of European Cultures.

2004 Crossing Borders – Cultures, Religions and Media: a three-day conference organised together with the Council of Europe and the EBU.

2005 Prix Genève-Europe joins the festival, and a one off category on films about football, the PRIX EUROPA Golden Goal.

2008 The first Berlin Summit: Conference for Cultural Radio Managers

2011 PE is celebrating 25 Years of Media Quality – Made in Europe!
Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Radio Director Raina Konstantinova, SR joins the PRIX EUROPA Alliance, a new category: Radio Music.  

2012 Standing up for Quality in Broadcasting: Awards Ceremony at the Embassy of the Russian Federation. The Mayor of Berlin awards the Lifetime Achievement Award to Regina Ziegler.

2013 Birthday Celebration for ‘Between the Ears’ opened by BBC Director of Radio Helen Boaden, the ‘Transatlantique Roundtable’ at the Berlin Summit, the workshop ‘Diversify or Die!’. Standing ovations for Sir David Attenborough, winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award.

2014 The Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Ingolf Gabold, the mastermind behind
‘Borgen’, ‘The Killing’ and other Scandinavian blockbuster television series.

2015 A new category for Radio Current Affairs. The Lifetime Achievement Award goes to
Rolf Stengård who has significantly influenced the international discourse on investigative journalism.

2016 30 Years of PRIX EUROPA – Changing Europe!
A new category Digital Audio, a new Community Award, PRIX EUROPA Heimkino
Lifetime Achievement Award 2016 for ARTE, MasterClass Nordic Storytelling
Keynote and Public Panel discussion about freedom of the press.

2017 PRIX EUROPA is from now on under the Patronage of the European Parliament
Focus on credibility of the media: Whom do we trust and why?
Can Dündar awarded as European Journalist of the Year.

2018 Reflecting all Voices. For the first time the Awards Ceremony took place in Potsdam at the Schiffbauergasse. And a joint statement, the Potsdam Declaration, emphasising the inclusive mission of public broadcasting, has been signed on 19 October 2018 in Potsdam, by the CEOs of 20 European Public Broadcasting Stations.

2019 ‘The Power of Dialogue’ is the slogan of this year’s media competition and it does not just refer to the inner-European dialogue. In times of strong anti-media sentiment and growing Euro-scepticism this credo targets the relations between the media and their audiences as much as the citizens’ attitude towards the European construction. With the move from Berlin to Potsdam the festival is making Europe tangible outside of the big metropolises and opens up to the public with an audience jury and public screenings.

PRIX EUROPA 2020 Changing Europe - Together in Trust

PRIX EUROPA 2021 Changing Europe - diverse and united!

PRIX EUROPA 2022 Changing Europe - Together in Europe

PRIX EUROPA 2023 public service media - excellence and impact in all genres

PRIX EUROPA 2024 public service media - sharing our stories

European Journalist of the Year Award

2023 All 418 journalists working for the Ukrainian Public Service Broadcaster UA:PBC

2022 Galina Timtschenko

2021 Katsiaryna Andreyeva, Darya Chultsova (Belarus)

2019               Armin Wolf (Austria)

2018               Laurent Richard (France)

2017               Can Dündar (Turkey and Germany)


Lifetime Achievement Award

2016               Arte G.E.I.E (France and Germany)

2015               Rolf Stengård (Sweden)

2014               Ingolf Gabold (Denmark)

2013               Sir David Attenborough (United Kingdom)

2012               Regina Ziegler (Germany)

2011               Raina Konstantinova (Bulgaria)