PRIX EUROPA 2021 European Journalist of the Year 2021


European Journalist of the Year 2021:

Katsiaryna Andreyeva, Darya Chultsova

from Belarus

Laudatory Speech by Can Dündar

Dear Katsiaryna Andreyeva, dear Darya Chultsova,

We are honouring you and your work tonight - IN ABSENTIA!

Dear friends, dear colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let's stop for a moment to think about what this means - in absence. To let our imaginations wander to where you, Katsiaryna, and you, Darya, are now. What might you be doing at this moment in time?

You are about 1500 km from here locked away in the Women's Correctional Labour Colony Nr.4 in Homiel as “prisoners with extremist tendencies" - just for doing your work.

Are you lying in your bunk beds exhausted from sewing uniforms all day, counting the 491 long days of the two years you still have in the detention camp?

Do you wonder in sleepless nights, what it is you did wrong?

How the hell you got there and why?

On November 15, 2020 27 year-old Katsiaryna Andreyeva and her 23-year old colleague and camerawoman Darya Chultsova live-streamed for five hours a protest against the authoritarian Belarusian president, Alexander Lukashenko. Hundreds of people had gathered to commemorate Raman Bandarenka—an activist beaten to death, allegedly by plain clothed police officers — and demand justice for his death. After police dispersed the peaceful demonstrators, ten riot police officers broke into the apartment the journalists used as a vantage point, detained both of them, and seized their equipment. They were found supposedly guilty of “organizing activities violating public order” by a district court in Minsk on 18 February 2021 and sentenced to two years in a labour colony.

The two women work for Belsat, a Poland-based broadcaster set up by Belarusian and Polish journalists to cover events in Belarus. It was recently classified as "extremist" by the Belarusian regime.

Around 40.000 people have been detained since Lukashenko’s contested re-election on 9 August 2020, among them about 500 media professionals. The Belarusian press club BAJ, a beacon in the fight for freedom of expression was closed down recently. Belarusian media have been under attack: the newspage 1 Region,, the Minsk office of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the newspaper Nasha Nidwa, the independent newspage, the magazine Nascha Istorija, the independent newspage Orsha, the online platform  Intex-press, the Telegram-Channel Nexta... The list is long and it is getting longer.
Journalists are disappearing behind bars.

Like you, Katsiaryna, and you, Darya!

Is two years in a Belarusian labour colony too high a personal prize to pay for wanting the world to know what was going on in the streets of Minsk? Was it worth it?

We can't answer that.

What we CAN say is: THANK YOU!

Thank you for your courage and your will to report independently - no matter what!? Thank you for letting us know about the events in Belarus, thank you for keeping up the voice of independent journalism and of freedom of speech in circumstances that demand otherwise. Thank you for risking your lives to do your work, for telling the truth as you find it and for informing the world of your findings.

It is important to stand firmly behind the principles of democracy, human rights and the freedom of the press. And to support those who are fighting for these principles.

Dear Katsiaryna Andreyeva, dear Darya Chultsova, it is with this in mind that we at PRIX EUROPA want to support your fight and honour you with the title “European Journalist of the Year”.

Can Dündar Turkish journalist in Exile and European Journalist of the Year 2017

We can support Katsiaryna Andreyeva, Darya Chultsova by sending letters to the address: Penal Colony #4. 246035, Homiel, Antoshkina Street, 3, Belarus.

Winners Student Award - Rising Star

Winners Student Award - Rising Stars

PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Audio

Kumi, Belgium by Bérénice Coussement RITCS 

PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Video

Rat’s nest, Switzerland by Alessa Fanzoi Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK

We will get in touch with Bérénice and Alessa and are looking forward to welcoming the two winners next year in Potsdam at PRIX EUROPA 2022!







Erik Hogenboom, NTR, Coordinator TV IRIS

Erik Hogenboom, NTR, Coordinator TV IRIS

Thank you Erik!

Today Erik Hogenboom, editor in chief at the Diversity/Religion Department of the Dutch public broadcaster NTR, is coordinating the TV IRIS jury sessions for the last time. Since 1999 he has devoted his professional time and energy to bringing films with diversity topics to PRIX EUROPA with unwaning enthusiasm and tenacity. Thank you, Erik, for bringing TV IRIS to the festival and your vision to us. We will miss you dearly!

The TV IRIS Category is under the Patronage of NTR - the Dutch Public Broadcaster. It invites programmes that deal explicitly with the culturally diverse character of European societies and contribute towards equality, understanding and tolerance between people of different origins, cultures and religions. TV IRIS seeks to be an incentive for programme practitioners to devote their attention to the ethnic diversity aspect of European societies. (PRIX EUROPA 2021 TV IRIS Regulations)

DIGITAL MASTER CLASS - New and wonderful toys: How to break digital boundaries and refresh PS media

Digital MasterClass

New and wonderful toys: How to break digital boundaries and refresh PS media

On Friday, 15 October 2021 from 11:00 - 13:00 Kåre V. Poulsen from Denmarks Radio - DR and PRIX EUROPA Coordinator offers you a case based walk though of some of this year’s most advanced digital media projects from PRIX EUROPA’s 2021 Digital Media Projects category. Meet the inventors behind and learn how they worked on their project. Technology offers dizzying perspectives and each year the boundaries expand and the envelope is pushed just a bit further. In this Masterclass you will experience a range of new Public Service media projects that use different new tools to break new ground and offer alternative digital experiences of all kinds.

Don’t miss the opportunity to leave Potsdam inspired to perhaps create your own inventive media projects when you come home.

The following projects will be presented:

Seven Grams

Tatort - The Interactive Audio Drama

Trust in the Blockchain Society

Troll Bunker - Escape Game

Susanne's Pantry

The Cycle Club 

All registered PRIX EUROPA 2021 participants are invited to attend, if you are interested to take part, please write an email to

CharactHer: empowering all talents in the film and media industries - Safia Kessas

The latest portrait of CharactHer is one of Safia Kessas, a Belgian journalist whose documentary “The Price of Folly” competed for PRIX EUROPA 2020.

CharactHer: Safia Kessas

The European Commission & Collectif 50/50, a French organisation advocating parity and diversity in the audiovisual industry, launched a campaign entitled CharactHer: empowering all talents in the film and media industries during the Cannes Film Festival.

Gender equality in the European film and media industries is still far from being achieved. In addition to the obstacles women may encounter throughout their careers, a well-known factor for these persistent imbalances resides in the fact that certain sectors are still considered to be predominantly or exclusively “masculine”.
The impact of such views has sustained widespread practice of self-censorship, discouraging some women from pursuing a wide range of jobs.
The CharactHer campaign aims at debunking these stereotypes: there is no such thing as a “masculine” job – women can do anything!
The film and media industries offer a wide range of professional opportunities that require a variety of different competences. If you’re ambitious, determined and passionate, there may be a job for you, no matter your gender or origin!

The campaign highlights 12 European women professionals from the film and media industries, who work in careers still commonly perceived as “masculine” - ranging from music composer to stunt performer or VFX supervisor. 

As of now, 9 portraits have been released and you can watch them on the CharactHer campaign-website

You can find more information on jobs in the audiovisual- and media industries, training and media collectives existing in Europe in the CharactHer campaign-Toolkit

Social Media:

Facebook@CreativeEuropeEU / @Collectif5050

Twitter@europe_creative / @Collectif5050

Instagram@creative_eu / @lecollectif5050 

Nominations PRIX EUROPA 2021 Student Award - Rising Star

Nominations PRIX EUROPA 2021 Student Award - Rising Star

Our call for the PRIX EUROPA 2021 Student Award - Rising Star asked for projects from students at European film- and media schools, universities and other training institutions. We were overwhelmed by abundant of creative submissions.

An international jury nominated 6 video and 6 audio programmes and you have the chance to vote from home for the two winners of the Rising Star Award 2021: have a close look at the nominated projects and send an email listing your 3 favourites to This way you will become part of PRIX EUROPA’s unique open jury system.

You can cast your vote until Friday, 15 October 2021, 12:00.

The winner will be announced on Friday, 15 October 2021. Due to the difficult travel conditions under Corona-rules, getting to Potsdam within a few hours, we have decided that the two PRIX EUROPA 2021 Rising Stars will be invited to attend 2022 in Potsdam.

Covid rules @PRIX EUROPA 2021


We are delighted that it is possible again to bring several hundred media professionals from 26 countries together at a real-life PRIX EUROPA. In order to be able to run the festival screenings and jury discussions as normally as possible we have developed a safety concept together with the local authorities that should guarantee health protection for all participants, while at the same time enabling unhindered exchange and discussion amongst colleagues.

Our safety measures include a Covid-19 check at the accreditation, for unvaccinated participants we will have a free test every morning next to our Welcome Desk and there will be personalised seating for everybody in the jury rooms. Face masks only need to be worn when entering and crossing a room; during the screenings and discussions the masks can be taken off. Voting will take place via an online platform. All rooms need to be aired regularly, and we encourage everybody to spend the breaks in the fresh air. So please bring warm coats, this is always advisable for a visit to Potsdam in October!

The Awards Ceremony requires - due to greater numbers of guests - slightly more stringent measures, unvaccinated guests will get their own auditorium with extra protection in place. And no worries - the Prize Trophies will still be able to make their way there.

 We are certain that all participants share our joy and relief at being able to take part in a real-life international event and reunite with colleagues again and will understand the need for some safety precautions to protect everyone's health.

Let's make PRIX EUROPA 2021 a success together!


Shortlist of candidates for the Award European Journalist of the Year 2021

Journalist of the Year_ 2.jpg

Shortlist of candidates

for the Award

European Journalist of the Year 2021

(sorted by first name)

Ana Lalić, Serbia

Chloe Hadjimatheou, United Kingdom

Diamant Salihu, Sweden

Inès Léraud, France

Johan von Mirbach, Germany

Katsiaryna Andreyeva & Darya Chultsova, Belarus

Lenka Kabrhelová, Czech Republic

Liselott Lindström, Finland

Lyse Doucet, United Kingdom

Marine Vlahovic, France

Peter R. de Vries, The Netherlands

Roman Protasevich, Belarus

Scabolcs Panyi & András Szabó, Hungary

Thomas Sideris, Greece

The winner will be announced at the PRIX EUROPA 2021 Awards Ceremony on 15 October 2021 in Potsdam.




PRIX EUROPA 2021 Jury Coordinators

Meet the Jury Coordinators of PRIX EUROPA 2021!

We are proud to present the 16 media professionals from 10 European countries who will spark off conversations, stir debate and moderate professional exchange in this year's PRIX EUROPA Jury Groups.

They share our goal of bringing quality media to diverse European audiences and will inspire us all with their know-how, their perspectives and experience.

Find out who they are by clicking on the photos.


209 Programmes nominated to compete for the PRIX EUROPA 2021 Awards

Thumbnail Nominations News.jpg

To this year's competition 268 media organisations submitted a total of 684 outstanding productions have been listened to or screened over the last 12 weeks. This was done by a group of independent experts who do not belong to any broadcaster and do not have an entry of their own. Each submission was evaluated at least twice in written form, using the parameters of the particular PRIX EUROPA voting sheet for each category.

Finally 209 programmes from 26 countries have been chosen to compete in this year’s competition: 30 Digital Media projects 31 Radio Fiction programmes 32 Radio Documentary programmes 16 Radio Current Affairs programmes 22 Radio Music programmes 22 TV Fiction programmes 27 TV Documentary programmes 16 TV Current Affairs programmes 13 TV Iris programmes

Nominations for the Student Award - Rising Star competition will be published on 1 October 2021


Please find here all nominated programmes sorted by category and the English programme title.


Personal Registration is open!

Registration to attend PRIX EUROPA 2021

Instead of appointing traditional juries PRIX EUROPA calls on the programme makers of our continent to come to Potsdam and to select the Best European Digital Media, Radio and TV Productions of the Year 2021. Each submitter of an entry nominated for PRIX EUROPA 2021 is obliged to delegate a Jury Member for the entire period of the respective jury sessions, to take part in the adjudication as a member of the Jury Group and to present his/her entry. Registration to the PRIX EUROPA juries is open to all media professionals. Organisations can register more than one delegate to each jury group. Accreditation is free of charge, our working language is English.

A limited number of media colleagues may register as observer - as many as the COVID-19 situation allows. Observers have no voting rights. Interested colleagues have to send an email to indicating category and dates.

For hotel recommendations near the event please have a look here.


Who is your European Journalist of the Year 2021?

PRIX EUROPA wants to honour a European journalist who has gone outside her or his comfort zone and shown extraordinary creativity, courage and impact on her/his specific society or audience.

We are looking for a journalistic game-changer dedicated to the truth in the thicket of global disinformation.

A person immune to political propaganda and populism aiming to provide transparency, ready to go out and get to the bottom of things, find out the truth and inform the world. Somebody whose work has helped break through encrusted positions and change perspectives.

Proposals from all genres and formats of journalism are welcome.

Please suggest your candidate for the PRIX EUROPA Award as European Journalist of the Year 2021 by sending her/his professional cv, contact details and a short explanation for your proposal.


Deadline: 15 September 2022


Last call


This is a brief reminder that there are only a few days left to submit your programmes and projects to PRIX EUROPA 2021:
The deadline is Thursday 1 July 2021, 23:59.
In case you already know that you won't make it in time but still want to enter something, please send an email to

If you want to submit to the PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star there is still time until 15 August 2021
Important: please make sure that your submission is comprehensible to an international audience (e.g. English subtitles etc.).

Enjoy a wonderful summertime!

Changing Europe - diverse & united!


May diverse Stars all rise again: Call for entries


May diverse Stars all rise again: Call for entries

Diverse & united! This year's PRIX EUROPA 2021 Student Award - Rising Star competition is looking for media projects from students in Europe which interpret the PRIX EUROPA slogan 2021 - in a particularly imaginative, original or personal way.

We are looking for your podcast, video, blog, digital audio- or online project, which shows how diverse players can become invincible when they all stand behind a common goal.

The Rising Star competition is open to students from European film- and media schools, universities and training institutions. It was created in 2019 in cooperation with the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and is looking for projects that show vision, distinct thought and also public responsibility.

If you want to take part, please read the regulations and register your project online by 15 August 2021 on

Details for the upload of files will be communicated during the registration process. The deadline for uploading the finalised files is 31 August 2021.

Important: please make sure that your submission is comprehensible to an international audience (e.g. English subtitles etc.)!

If you have any questions, please get in touch at

PRIX EUROPA 2021 is starting!

While German politicians are still debating lockdowns, we have updated our regulations and you can find them online NOW! The online submission system will open mid-May.

Then we hope to be inundated with your best productions (deadline 1 July 2021) and are especially curious to see how this challenging year has influenced them. What creative solutions have you come up with? Have you been able to profit from the new digital media world?

The boom in digital audio innovation with some of the biggest tech companies and global platforms (like Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces, Facebook) launching new products and projects with audio at their heart is striking. What is Europe's place in this? What is yours?

There are no changes to the definition of our 10 competition categories: TV Fiction, TV Documentary, TV Current Affairs, TV IRIS, Radio Fiction, Radio Documentary, Radio Current Affairs, Radio Music, Digital Audio and Online Projects, as well as the 14 Awards.

Before you decide which programme you want to submit to the PRIX EUROPA 2021 competition, please read our Regulations carefully and keep in mind this year’s topical festival motto: Changing Europe - diverse and united!

Conditions to compete for the PRIX EUROPA 2021 Student Award Rising Star will be published at the end of May 2021.

We, from the festival office, can’t wait to get going again: to receive your entries, to answer your emails, to return to our office working desks hopefully soon and to finally see you again in October!
If for some reason the virus is still hampering a full-blown live and offline festival then, we will develop a satisfactory hybrid version.