DEADLINE EXTENDED - PRIX EUROPA 2022 Student Award - Rising Star: 'Media that matter to us’

Last chance to be part of it - deadline to submit extended ‘til 23 September 2022

The winners will be announced during the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Awards Ceremony on Friday, 28 October 2022 and will be invited to attend PRIX EUROPA 2023.

We are looking for media projects from students in Europe on the topic ‘Media that matter to us’ for the PRIX EUROPA 2022 Student Award - Rising Star.

Send us your podcast, video, blog, digital audio- or online project. We are thrilled to find out what matters to you.

The Rising Star competition is open to students from European film- and media schools, universities and training institutions. It was created in 2019 in cooperation with the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and is looking for projects that show vision, distinct thought and also public responsibility.


If you want to take part, send an email with your submission data (title of the project, submitter's name (your name), submitting training institution, university or school, length of the project, author, director, producer and other key staff, production date, project description, and your (downloadable) project material (all files must be in English or with English subtitles without exception!) by 23 September 2022 to

By submitting you agree to us making your project available for viewing online if it gets nominated. Please make sure that you have cleared all rights.


We aim to present a cross-section of the best work from the best: projects that are particularly imaginative, original or personal.

All submissions will be screened or listened to, checked, and evaluated at least twice in written form by a team of independent European experts.

Pre-selection results will be published online on 10 October 2022: 10 entries will be nominated for the competition and will be available online for viewing / listening and voting from 23 to 27 October 2022 on

And the Winner is…

The audio - and video project which receives the most points in the 5 days of the online voting will receive the

* PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Audio

* PRIX EUROPA Student Award - Rising Star Video.

Submitting an entry for the PRIX EUROPA 2022 competition implies full acceptance of this procedure.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with us at