European Journalist of the Year Award

Who will be European Journalist of the Year 2024?

PRIX EUROPA wants to honour a European journalist who has gone outside her/his comfort zone and shown extraordinary creativity, courage and impact on her/his specific society or audience. We are looking for a journalistic game-changer dedicated to the truth in the thicket
of global disinformation.

A person immune to political propaganda and populism aiming to provide transparency,
ready to go out and get to the bottom of things, find out the truth and inform the world. Somebody whose work has helped break through encrusted positions and change perspectives.

Proposals from all genres and formats of journalism are welcome.

Please put your candidate for the PRIX EUROPA Award as European Journalist of the Year 2024 forward by sending her/his name, contact details and a short explanation for your proposal.

Send in your suggestions before 16 September 2024 (to

European Journalist of the Year Awards

2023 All 418 journalists working for the Ukrainian Public Service Broadcaster UA:PBC

2022 Galina Timtschenko

2021 Katsiaryna Andreyeva, Darya Chultsova (Belarus)

2019 Armin Wolf (Austria)

2018 Laurent Richard (France)

2017 Can Dündar (Turkey and Germany)

Lifetime Achievement Award

2016 Arte G.E.I.E (France and Germany)

2015 Rolf Stengård (Sweden)

2014  Ingolf Gabold (Denmark)

2013 Sir David Attenborough (UK)

2012 Regina Ziegler (Germany)

2011 Raina Konstantinova (Bulgaria)