The Raft / Sweden

Submitting Organisation: Sveriges Television - SVT
Author and Director: Marcus Lindeen
Producer: Erik Gandini
Produced by: Fasad, Bullitt Film, Sutor Kolonko, Motto Pictures 
Co-produced by: Swedish Film Institute, Film i Vast, Danish Filminstitute, DR 2, VPRO. YLE, NFTF


Special Commendations

to the second and third placed entries:

Maelstrom / The Netherlands

Submitting Organisation: Omroep Human
Author and Director: Misja Pekel 
Producers: Niek Koppen, Jan de Ruiter
Produced by: Selfmade Films 

The Trial of Ratko Mladic / Germany / United Kingdom / Norway

Submitting Organisation: Westdeutscher Rundfunk - WDR / ARD
Authors: Henry Singer, Rob Miller
Directors, Producers: Henry Singer, Rob Miller
Produced by: Sandpaper Films
Co-produced by: Peggy Pictures, Sant & Usant, Frontline, WGBH, PBS, BBC, VPRO; in cooperation with SVT, NRK, DR, RTS, YesDocu.