PRIX EUROPA 2021 slogan - Changing Europe: diverse and united!

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Preparations for PRIX EUROPA 2021 are in full swing and with a good portion of optimism we count on seeing you all again in person from 10 to 15 October 2021 in Potsdam@Schiffbauergasse.

The PRIX EUROPA 2021 Regulations will be published online on 1 May 2021 - have a close look before registering your programmes and projects. Deadline for submissions will be 1 July 2021. Definitions of categories will remain unchanged, feel invited to submit and look ahead - together with us - to a great competition.

We look forward to receiving your excellent works originated in these trying times and very much hope to see many of you in Potsdam in October at PRIX EUROPA 2021 - to watch, listen to, discuss the best of Europe. Bringing the PRIX EUROPA slogan 2021 Changing Europe: diverse and united! to life.

Happy Easter!

Congratulations to all our winners!


Congratulations to all our winners!

Please click on the title of the programmes to get detailed information.

PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Movie of the Year 2020:

The Windermere Children, Germany, United Kingdom

Special Commendation:

Anthony, United Kingdom

PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Fiction Series of the Year 2020:

22 July, Norway

Special Commendation:

Caliphate, Sweden

PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Documentary of the Year 2020:

One More Jump, Switzerland

Special Commendation:

Feminicides, France

PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Documentary Series of the Year 2020:

Green Blood, France

Special Commendation:

Gold Fever - The Quiet Heist at The Royal Coin Cabinet, Sweden

PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Investigation of the Year 2020:

Rohingyas: The Crime Mechanics, France

Special Commendation:

Chocolate’s Heart of Darkness, France

PRIX EUROPA Best European TV Programme of the Year 2020 about Cultural Diversity:

Josefin & Florin, Sweden

Special Commendation:

They Call Me Babu, The Netherland

PRIX EUROPA Best European Online Media Project of the Year 2020:

A Thousand Women Murdered, Spain

Special Commendation:

The Great Moose Migration, Sweden

PRIX EUROPA Best European Digital Audio Project of the Year 2020:

Mal angenommen / What if  - the tagesschau future podcast, Germany

Special Commendation:

The (Fiction Writing) Stranger - Who is DK, Denmark 

PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Fiction of the Year 2020:

I Am Kanye West, United Kingdom

Special Commendation:

A Point on the Map, France

PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Fiction Series of the Year 2020:

Made in Norway: For Our Safety and Peace, Norway

Special Commendation:

The Revenge of a Woman, Finland

PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Documentary of the Year 2020:

Estonia - The Night I Did Not Die, Sweden

Special Commendation:

Grenfell: Flat 142, United Kingdom

PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Documentary Series of the Year 2020:

Blackout - the Girl in the Photo, Denmark

Special Commendation:

Gamer - The Murder Plan, Sweden


PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Investigation of the Year 2020:

The True Cost of the Goods We Buy: The Dark Secret of the Automotive Industry, Sweden

Special Commendation :

The Children From Station 19 - In Search of the Victims of a Custody Psychiatry, Germany 

PRIX EUROPA Best European Radio Music Programme of the Year 2020:

Making an Opera, The Netherland

Special Commendation:

Dangerous Tones, Denmark 

PRIX EUROPA Rising Star 2020 Best Audio Project:

Goldfish and Soldiers, Italy / United Kingdom

PRIX EUROPA Rising Star 2020 Best Video Project:

A Virtual Dream, Poland

Thank you to the PRIX EUROPA 2020 Jury Groups


Thank you to the PRIX EUROPA 2020 Jury Groups

Our big applause goes to the 269 colleagues who have worked in the nine Jury Groups of PRIX EUROPA 2020:

Since 5 October they have stayed tuned: listening, watching, discussing and voting for the 262 competing programmes. This hard and time-consuming work you had to squeeze into your daily and often nightly routine in these difficult times. Here in the competition office we felt close to you and is has been good to be in touch: take a glimpse into the various home offices, see your faces and hear you voices during the jury virtual discussions. 

When the motto for PRIX EUROPA 2020 was set, nobody had foreseen how literally it would have to be taken.

The last weeks we have been Together in Trust - now let’s continue Changing Europe!

Greetings from Potsdam to 

Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Athens, Bandhagen, Barcelona, Basel, Belgrade, Berlin, Bern, Bratislava, Brno, Bruxelles, Bucharest, Cardiff, Comano, Coolcok, Dublin, Düsseldorf, Edinburgh, Gdańsk, Genève, Glasgow, Gothenburg, Groot-Bijgaarden, Haarlem, Halle/ Saale, Hamburg, Helsinki, Hilversum, Hudiksvall, Issy les Moulineaux, København, Köln, Lausanne, Leipzig, Leuven, Lisboa, Liverpool, Ljubljana, London, Lublin, Madrid, Mainz, Malvern, Minsk, München, Olomouc, Oslo, Ostrava, Paris, Ponta Delgada, Potsdam, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Praha, Rennes, Reykjavík, Roma, Romainville, Salford, Savosa, Schaarbeek, Sofia, Stockholm, Tallinn, Tbilisi, Tingstäde, Umeå, Utrecht, Växjö, Vantaa, Vanves, Warszawa, Wien, Wijgmaal, Zagreb, Zaragoza and Zürich

Announcement Top 8 Radio Fiction category

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Announcement Top 8 Radio Fiction category

The first ballot has been completed. Please find here the top 8 of the category Radio Fiction.

Top 8 Radio Fiction category

10 The Revenge of a Woman 11 A Point on the Map 16 The Vast Vast Sofa Landscape 19 Made in Norway: For Our Safety and Peace 23 Someone Should Walk The Dog 28 The Brothers Lionheart 31 I Am Kanye West United 32 Oliver: Lagos to London

And have a look at the Jury Group members of the Radio Fiction category. We thank all Jury Members for their hard work.

Announcement Top 8 of the category Radio Documentary and the top 7 of the category Radio Music

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Announcement Top 8 of the category Radio Documentary and the top 7 of the category Radio Music

The first ballot has been completed. Please find here the top 8 of the category Radio Documentary and the top 7 of the category Radio Music.

Top 8 Radio Documentary category

03 Brothers 07 Blackout - The Girl in the Photo 12 Once Upon A Father 15 Documentary on One: Benjy the Little Gay Bull 16 Labanof, Nameless Bodies from the Bottom of Mediterranean 26 Estonia - The Night I Did Not Die 27 Gamer - The Murder Plan 31 Grenfell: Flat 142

Top 7 Radio Music category

03 The Music for Sirens - A Succession of Several Sounds and Silences 04 Dangerous Tones 05 Songwriter 08 Jazzy Diaspora - Birth of a Secular Jew 10 Making an Opera 11 The P2 Walpurgis Choir 14 Street Cry Goodbyes

And have a look at the Jury Group members of the Radio Documentary category and the Jury Group members of the Radio Music category. We thank all Jury Members for their hard work.

Announcement Top 7 of the categories Digital Media Projects and Radio Current Affairs

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Announcement Top 7 of the categories Digital Media Projects and Radio Current Affairs

The first ballot has been completed. Please find here the 7 top ranked programmes of the categories Digital Media Projects and Radio Current Affairs.

Top 7 Digital Media Projects category

07 The (Fiction Writing) Stranger - Who is DK

11 Republique

13 Mal angenommen / What if  - the tagesschau future podcast 

16 The Liberation

18 United We Stream Berlin

23 A Thousand Women Murdered

25 The Great Moose Migration

Top 7 Radio Current Affairs category

03 Hurtcore

04 Four Shots and the Silence that Followed –  The Case of Hussam Fadl 

06 The Children From Station 19 - In Search of the Victims of a Custody Psychiatry

08 The Double Life of Raghdan al-H

12 The True Cost of the Goods We Buy: The Dark Secret of the Automotive Industry

14 Sex Offenders Fleeing Abroad

15 The Boy in The Video

And have a look at the Jury Group members of the Digital Media Projects category and the Jury Group members of the Radio Current Affairs category. We thank all Jury Members for their hard work.

Announcement Top 7 of the categories TV Documentary and TV Fiction


Announcement Top 7 of the categories TV Documentary and TV Fiction

The first ballot has been completed. Please find here the 7 top ranked programmes of the categories TV Documentary and TV Fiction.

Top 7 TV Documentary

03 The Price of Folly

08 Feminicides

09 Green Blood

14 SeaWatch3

19 Suicide on Instagram

22 Gold Fever - The Quiet Heist at The Royal Coin Cabinet

24 One More Jump

Top 7 TV Fiction

05 Peacemaker

07 The Turncoat

08 The Windermere Children

10 The Minister

14 22 July

20 Caliphate

24 Anthony

And have a look at the Jury Group members of the TV Documentary category and the Jury Group members of the TV Fiction category. We thank all Jury Members for their hard work.

Announcement Top 7 of the categories TV Iris and TV Current Affairs


Announcement Top 7 of the categories TV Iris and TV Current Affairs

The first ballot has been completed. Please find here the 7 top ranked programmes of the categories TV Iris and TV Current Affairs.

Top 7 TV Iris

03 No Hard Feelings

05 Khata

06 The Call Me Babu

07 Immigrant-ish

10 Josefin & Florin

11 The Beautiful Game

12 Ewolo

Top 7 TV Current Affairs

05 Chocolate’s Heart of Darkness

06 Inside Our Enemies’s Life

07 Rohingyas: The Crine Mechanics

10 Die Story:Boeing - The Deadly System

11 Doping Top Secret: The Lord of the Lifters. the Destruction of an Olympic Sport

14 Race to the Bottom: Mica

18 Temps Present: In Pursuit of Isis’s Damned

And have a look at the Jury Group members of the TV Iris category and the Jury Group members of the TV Current Affairs category. We thank all Jury Members for their hard work.

Welcome to the virtual PRIX EUROPA 2020

Welcome to the virtual PRIX EUROPA 2020

Patricia Schlesinger, Director General of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg opens the virtual competition week with a video message to her media colleagues all over Europe.

Babylonian babble of voices should have resounded from Sunday in the state capital Potsdam: Media professionals from all over Europe had planned to gather there for a week to discuss, watch films, listen to the radio and experience digital media. Due to the Corona Pandemic, things have now changed: PRIX EUROPA, Europe’s most important media festival is taking place this year under the motto ‘vote@home’. 269 Jury Members are viewing the programmes online and are voting individually from home. The 262 nominations from 28 countries are divided into nine categories. The top ranged productions in each category will be discussed during the upcoming week in video conferences and the Jury Members will decide in a second ballot who the winners of this year’s competition are.

On Tuesday 27 October at noon (CET) the winners of the ‘Best European Programme of the Year 2020’ will be announced here.

Become a Jury Member of PRIX EUROPA 2020


Become a Jury Member of PRIX EUROPA 2020

Our call for the PRIX EUROPA 2020 Student Award Rising Star asked for programmes in keeping with the motto 'stay@home'. The call was responded to with a shower of creative submissions, produced when most of our continent was in lockdown.

An international jury nominated 16 video and audio programmes from 11 countries and now you have the chance to vote for the winner of the Rising Star Award 2020: have a close look at the nominated projects and send an email listing your 3 favourites to This way you will become part of PRIX EUROPA’s unique open jury system. The winner will be announced on Tuesday 27 October at noon (CET) here.

The award ‘Rising Star’ was created in 2019 in cooperation with the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and is looking for student projects that show vision, distinct thought and also public responsibility.

Lessons and challenges for public service radio at the Potsdam Summit – EBU Cultural Forum

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Lessons and challenges for public service radio at

The Potsdam Summit – EBU Cultural Forum

Ivan Krastev, one of Europe’s leading thinkers will debate with Noel Curran, Director General of the European Broadcasting Union on the challenges of the global pandemic for public service radio. Representatives of the most important media institutions of our continent will join the discussion. And you can be part of it: Register for the EBU Cultural Forum, which is this year’s name of the Potsdam Summit and participate virtually. Listen to the thoughts of Eva Połońska-Kimunguyi of the London School of Economics, Cilla Benkö, Chief Executive of Swedish Radio, Alexander Wrabetz, Director General of ORF as well as President of PRIX EUROPA and many more.

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Ivan Krastev_copyright: IWM / Klaus Ranger

We look forward to meet you virtually on Friday, 23 October from 14.30 to 16:00. Please register here.

The PRIX EUROPA Trophies have arrived


The Trophies have arrived! - Taurus trophies traveled trouble-free

In spite of the heavy restrictions for non-Berliners, the much beloved PRIX EUROPA TAURUS trophies left their creator, the Dutch artist Anton Hoornweg, without any issue and arrived save and sound at the festival office in Berlin. They can rest now until 27 October, when they will get to know who their new owners will be. We will make sure that they will be ready to head off to their next journey to this year’s winners as soon as possible. Happily they don’t need any Corona-tests to leave Berlin again and travel all throughout Europe. Stay tuned!  

Register as Observer: Interested media colleagues may register as Observer. Observers will get access to the 7 top ranking programmes of up to two categories during the competition week. These top ranking programmes in each category are the result of the first ballot of the specific Jury Group.  You will receive your personal access link to our video platform the day the TOP 7 will be published.

Dates of publication:

TV IRIS and TV Current Affairs: 19 October TV Documentary and TV Fiction: 20 October Digital Media and Radio Current Affairs: 21 October Radio Documentary and Radio Music: 22 October Radio Fiction: 23 October

Already now you can access our digital catalogue with the programmes details of each competing programme.

The winner of the PRIX EUROPA 2020 awards will be published on 27 October 2020 at 12:00 CET.

PRIX EUROPA 2020 Student Award Rising Star Nominations


PRIX EUROPA 2020 Student Award Rising Star Nominations

Our call for the PRIX EUROPA 2020 Student Award Rising Star - theme 'stay@home' - was responded to with a bathful of creative submissions. A side benefit of the lockdown in Europe.
We are happy to announce today the 17 nominated projects that made it into the last round and will be competing in this year's competition.

A Virtual Dream by Bartosz Jakub Jasiński  /  Poland
Berlin 2020. Through my eyes. by Sarah Sander  /  Germany
Bridge the Gap by Eliza Pepper  /  UK
Car antenna by Adam Černich  /  Czech Republic
confined people talk to confined people by Pauline Blanc  /  France
Forward Thinking by Cara Gaynor  /  Ireland
Frog Prince and Sloppy Princess by Esin Güler  /  Belgium
Goldfish and Soldiers by Michela Mancini  /  Italy, UK
Hello Grandma by Kamila Chojnacka  /  Poland
Isolation around the world by Elay Leuthold  /  Switzerland
Moria’s Ticking Virus by Lara Richir + Michelle Peters  /  Belgium
Nothing Will Be Written About Me by Lukas Anthierens  /  Belgium
Seal Story by Bartłomiej Błaszczyński  /  Poland
Secondly by Gabor Balazs  /  Hungary
Seeds - Generation Climate by Yonca Sophia Ergen  /  Switzerland
Staring at the sun by Céline Ottenburgh  /  Belgium
The pandemic that silenced the music industry by Carl Holmqvist  /  Sweden

PRIX EUROPA 2020 Latest News!


PRIX EUROPA 2020 Latest News!

Each October since 1997, we have had the pleasure of welcoming the makers of Europe’s best digital media, radio- and television productions in Berlin and Potsdam.

The PRIX EUROPA DAYS we did spend together have always been our reward for the long months of preparation beforehand. We did enjoy

- meeting good friends who come every year

- getting to know newcomers, who are curious to join the togetherness of programme colleagues from all over the continent

- listening to the unique professional discussions of the various jury groups

in other words - to be part of a constructive and collective European working experience.

And we have done everything possible to pave the way for this very experience in October 2020, too!!

But the travel restrictions within Europe continue not to be in favour of our hopes and plans. 

Many of you have let us know that they are willing to come, and this has been a great encouragement for us – to go on. However, the group of colleagues who are not allowed to travel is increasing day by day - and by October restrictions are likely to have grown.

In consequence we sadly have to say that we can’t hold PRIX EUROPA 2020 as a real-life event.

Our credo has always been to bring ALL our colleagues together, and not to exclude any countries or regions because they are not allowed to travel.

BUT we have found a way of organising the adjudication process to vote@home. This will allow you and us to distinguish and to award the Best European Digital Media, Radio- and Television programmes of the Year 2020. So even though this year and for once we will have to do without the inspirational discussion that are at the core of our competition, you will still be able to participate in PRIX EUROPA 2020.

We will get in touch with the submitters of all nominated programmes very soon to let them know about the registration of jury members, their duties, the voting procedure and further details.

Please understand this decision and trust me, it has not been an easy one for us.

We have to ask you now to cancel your travel plans for Potsdam, and to be ready to  vote@home for the best European Digital Media, Radio- and Television productions of the Year 2020!

PRIX EUROPA 2020 Changing Europe – Together in Trust

Revelation of the PRIX EUROPA 2020 Nominations!


Revelation of the PRIX EUROPA 2020 Nominations!

To this year's competition 263 organisations submitted a total of 642 productions, amounting to 2,650 hours of outstanding European media content that has been listened to or screened over the last 12 weeks. This was done by a group of independent experts who do not belong to any broadcaster and do not have an entry of their own. Each submission was checked and evaluated at least twice in written form, using the parameters of the particular PRIX EUROPA voting sheet for each category.

Finally 208 programmes from 28 countries have been chosen to compete in this year’s competition: 27 TV Fiction programmes 25 TV Documentary programmes 18 TV Current Affairs programmes 13 TV Iris programmes 28 Digital Media projects 33 Radio Fiction programmes 34 Radio Documentary programmes 15 Radio Current Affairs programmes 14 Radio Music programmes

The nominees of the Rising Star competition stay@home, will be published on 1 October 2020.


Please find here all nominated programmes sorted by the submitter’s country and the English programme title.

18 - 25 October in Potsdam

Changing Europe – Together in Trust

Come and join us!


Together in Trust - Join PRIX EUROPA 2020 in Potsdam!

We are very happy to announce that preparations for a real-life PRIX EUROPA 2020 in Potsdam are in full swing. Safety provisions for all jury members will be in place as we luckily have enough space at the festival location Schiffbauergasse to be able to invite the juries to come.
At the core of PRIX EUROPA is communication and exchange between media professionals face-to-face and we will make this possible again - despite the pandemic. Come and join us!

PRIX EUROPA 2020 will take place in a safe and secure setting with personalised chairs, increased spacing, frequent ventilation of rooms, and much more... we will keep you updated.

As of now, personal registration for PRIX EUROPA 2020 is open. First we ask all Jury Members to register, in a second step we will open the registration for Observers.
Please note the draft schedule:
TV Categories from 18 October to 21 October,
Digital Media Projects Category 20 October to 22 October, 
and the Radio Categories from 21 October/22 October to 25 October; 
for exact details please have a look here.
So this year will never see all participants in Potsdam together. Therefore we will have to announce the prize-winners online - no Awards Ceremony!
We are looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible in Potsdam. Please make sure to register as soon as you can, so that we can see if our invitation is accepted.

18 - 25 October in Potsdam

Changing Europe – Together in Trust

Don't miss the deadline!

Wednesday 1 July.jpg

Submit your best programmes to PRIX EUROPA 2020 by 1 July.  All details on what kind of programmes we are looking for and how to submit you can find in the regulations. Make sure you read them before you submit your productions to this year’s competition.

For any questions about the submission system or technical difficulties, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at - we are happy to help.

If you have questions about competition submissions, please reach out to or