DIGITAL MASTER CLASS - New and wonderful toys: How to break digital boundaries and refresh PS media

Digital MasterClass

New and wonderful toys: How to break digital boundaries and refresh PS media

On Friday, 15 October 2021 from 11:00 - 13:00 Kåre V. Poulsen from Denmarks Radio - DR and PRIX EUROPA Coordinator offers you a case based walk though of some of this year’s most advanced digital media projects from PRIX EUROPA’s 2021 Digital Media Projects category. Meet the inventors behind and learn how they worked on their project. Technology offers dizzying perspectives and each year the boundaries expand and the envelope is pushed just a bit further. In this Masterclass you will experience a range of new Public Service media projects that use different new tools to break new ground and offer alternative digital experiences of all kinds.

Don’t miss the opportunity to leave Potsdam inspired to perhaps create your own inventive media projects when you come home.

The following projects will be presented:

Seven Grams

Tatort - The Interactive Audio Drama

Trust in the Blockchain Society

Troll Bunker - Escape Game

Susanne's Pantry

The Cycle Club 

All registered PRIX EUROPA 2021 participants are invited to attend, if you are interested to take part, please write an email to