PRIX EUROPA 2021 slogan - Changing Europe: diverse and united!

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Preparations for PRIX EUROPA 2021 are in full swing and with a good portion of optimism we count on seeing you all again in person from 10 to 15 October 2021 in Potsdam@Schiffbauergasse.

The PRIX EUROPA 2021 Regulations will be published online on 1 May 2021 - have a close look before registering your programmes and projects. Deadline for submissions will be 1 July 2021. Definitions of categories will remain unchanged, feel invited to submit and look ahead - together with us - to a great competition.

We look forward to receiving your excellent works originated in these trying times and very much hope to see many of you in Potsdam in October at PRIX EUROPA 2021 - to watch, listen to, discuss the best of Europe. Bringing the PRIX EUROPA slogan 2021 Changing Europe: diverse and united! to life.

Happy Easter!