Submit now to PRIX EUROPA 2020


The Submission system to PRIX EUROPA 2020 (18 - 23 October) in Potsdam is now open! We are looking forward to your best Television, Radio and Digital Media productions.

Please find all the details in the Regulations 2020. Make sure you read them before you submit your productions to this year’s competition. There have been a few slight changes (lengths, genres).

The deadline for submitting is 1 July 2020.

PRIX EUROPA 2020 - Have a look at the regulations of this year's competition


Regulations 2020 - Call for submissions - please have a look at what is new!

This year's PRIX EUROPA is about to start. Find the new regulations with a few amendments here: TV Documentary has a new award - TV Doc series! And some restrictions in lengths have been dropped.

The submission system will be available in the beginning of May. The deadline for submitting is 1 July 2020.

For the PRIX EUROPA Rising Star competition please have a look here.

We can't wait to receiving your manifold excellent works reacting to this year’s slogan:

Changing Europe - Together in Trust

Call for proposals

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Call for proposals 

stay@home is the theme for this year’s PRIX EUROPA Rising Star competition. We are looking for students’ media projects from Europe that were created in or about the time we all stayed at home due to the Corona Virus pandemic. Enter your podcast, video, blog, digital audio or online project and tell us how this unusual period has inspired or affected you.

The 2020 Rising Star competition is open to students from European film and media schools, universities and training institutions. It was created in 2019 in cooperation with the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and is looking for projects that show vision, distinct thought and also public responsibility.

If you want to take part, just send an email to and let us know the following details:

- (working) title of the project

- expected length of the project

- author, director, producer and other key staff

- format (e.g. audio, video, web-based, cross-media)

- project description in English

- submitter's name (your name), submitting training institution, university or school

Based on the information we will get in touch with you and let you know how to send the submission to the PRIX EUROPA competition office. 

Deadline for sending the finalised files will be 15 August 2020.

PRIX EUROPA 2020 in Potsdam


PRIX EUROPA 2020 @ Schiffbauergasse

2020 has started and we wish all Prix Europeans the very best for the New Year and in realising your prospective projects.

PRIX EUROPA 2020 will take place in Potsdam @ Schiffbauergasse between 18 - 23 October. Please take note that the competition week is scheduled about 2 weeks later than last year. Mid of April we will send out the call for submission - the deadline for submitting your programmes and projects will be 1 July 2020.

At the end of March the PRIX EUROPA Steering Committee will convene in Vienna and subsequently we will announce first information on the submission call for PRIX EUROPA 2020.

In its first edition the competition at our new venue in Potsdam in 2019 has worked very well - and we look forward to realising the coming edition by including your valued feedback - to make PRIX EUROPA 2020 even more successful.

Shortlist of Nominations European Journalist of the Year

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Shortlist of Nominations European Journalist of the Year

(sorted by county and last name)

Florian Klenk, Austria

Armin Wolf, Austria

Lode Desmet, Belgium

Magdalena Sodomkova, Czech Republic

Jessika Aro, Finland

Frederic Martel, France

Karin de Miguel, Germany

Juan Moreno, Germany

Thomas Sideris, Greece

Lois Kapila, Ireland

Fintan O'Toole, Ireland

Yury Dud, Russian Federation

Joachim Dyfvermark, Sweden

Katarina Gunnarsson, Sweden

Katya Adler, United Kingdom

Mark Daly, United Kingdom

John Harris, United Kingdom

We will contact the winner on time to attend the Awards Ceremony on 11 October 2019 in Potsdam.




PRIX EUROPA 2019 Opening Film

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PRIX EUROPA 2019 Opening Film

“Against the Fear”

In cooperation with the local newspaper MAZ, PRIX EUROPA is starting with the ZDF-commissioned film “Against the Fear” on Sunday 6 October at 18:00. The TV Movie about a public prosecutor investigating the Al-Fadi Clan in Berlin is produced by the Real Film Berlin GmbH and stars among others Nadja Uhl, Sabrina Amali, Atheer Adel, Andreas Pitschmann and Dirk Borchard. It is directed by Andreas Herzog and written by Robert Hummel, whose experience as a lay judge in Berlin enabled him to bring a realistic and gripping story to the screen. The author and members of the cast will be present and happy to enter into a dialogue with the audience.

The film will be screened in German with English subtitles, inviting Potsdamers to get a feel for the new media event in town – PRIX EUROPA. All PRIX EUROPA guests, who have already found their way to the Schiffbauergasse, the new festival venue, are invited.

Registrations at or at the Welcome Desk at Schiffbauergasse.

Location: just a few steps from the Welcome Desk




EBU PRESENTS DIVERSITY - Free Spirits and New Neighbours


EBU PRESENTS DIVERSITY - Free Spirits and New Neighbours

Friday, 11 October 2019, 9:30 – 17:15 Screening and discussion with the makers of the documentaries.

Daniela Drastata, chairwoman of the EBU Intercultural and Diversity Group explains:

"I am delighted we have this great opportunity to see the EBU Intercultural and Diversity Group's documentary collection New Neighbours growing and developing into an EU funded project that now involves organisations known for their excellence; we are working with "la crème de la crème" of people who recognise diversity as an opportunity. 

By opening our prime time to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, we show the complexity of integration at its core: we will not only tackle the most burning European topic but also create an inspiring and moving documentary series. Meeting our neighbours is undoubtedly the best reward for the challenges we will inevitably face during the film production. Let the adventure begin!"

TV Documentary Room




MasterClass: DIGITIRL - The Art of Immersion in Public Service


DIGITIRL: The Art of Immersion in Public Service

A MasterClass on how to successfully mix digital offers & real life events to involve, interact and connect stronger to your audience.

Frank Rose (Digital media expert, Wired): “As we spend ever more time in the digital world, what’s becoming increasingly valued is the time we do not spend in front of a screen—the time we spend with real  people and real things. It’s not that we’re abandoning digital—far from it. But as we buy more apps, e-books and downloads, and as digital screens become our default interface with the world, we seem  to increasingly seek out physical objects and experiences”.

DESCRIPTION: Public Service Broadcasters are all stepping up on the digital burning platforms. But there seems to be an emerging need to also embrace the digital fatigue – the sheer fact that we still need to connect and share and create things together in real life, even if we are online 24/7.

Those PS Broadcasters who manage to cleverly combine strong digital offers and real life events – let’s call it DIGITIRL – will stand stronger in the future of immersed media.

In this MasterClass you will get an introduction to the world of DIGITIRL from Kåre V. Poulsen and meet European creators of new, inspiring projects in this area:

•   Camilla Laudruo: ULTRA : BIT (DR)

•   Damian Machaj & Edita Kudláčová : ‘Project 68’ from Chezk Radio

•   Tiina Klemettilä from YLE – ‘Sauna project’/1 mio Birdhouses

You will be able to register for the MasterClass on-site or send an email ( with your binding registration.

Friday, 11 October 2019, 11.00 - 13:00, TV Iris Room




The Potsdam Summit - The Euroradio Cultural Forum


The Potsdam Summit - The Euroradio Cultural Forum: Linear Radio versus On-Demand

As radio reaches its centenary, on-demand audio presents us with unprecedented challenges and opportunities. How should -Public Service Media- handle the competition in the podcast universe? Especially young people are consuming audio content from platforms of the big tech companies. Are these giants friends or enemies, should PSM cooperate with the giants to reach out to the listeners, or walk its own way? What does the future hold - is radio crossing the Rubicon?

The Potsdam Summit is a fast-paced trip through new formats and ideas for cultural and music radio around Europe, and addresses topics as the importance of ‘Building Trust in the Digital Era’ or ‘Beethoven for the Gaming Generation’ and ‘The New Emperors of the Audio Universe’.

on Friday 11 October 2019 in Potsdam 09:00 - 13:00 THE POTSDAM SUMMIT– The Euroradio Cultural Forum

14:00 – 16:00 The Big Debate: Linear vs. On-demand Radio and Streaming Platforms: Friends or Enemies? Introduction: Cilla Benkö, Swedish Radio Director-General James Purnell, BBC Director, Radio & Education; Noel Curran, European Broadcasting Union Director-General; Alexander Wrabetz, ORF Director-General

To join the Potsdam Summit please follow this link: and click on ‘I will attend the Potsdam Summit: the Euroradio Cultural Forum’.

Schiffbauergasse, Radio Fiction Room




Workshop: What’s for Breakfast (on the radio)?


Workshop: What’s for Breakfast (on the radio)?

Many radio professionals believe that presenting an attractive breakfast show is the single most important factor in managing a successful radio station. There is no denying that breakfast audiences are closely watched by all in the industry. We’re not going to debate the importance of breakfast shows, but rather this two-hour session will give attendees the chance to experience four really different breakfasts from Ireland, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Belgium (VRT). Finally, we will debate what makes a great breakfast show.  If you are in Potsdam for PRIX EUROPA, do join us!

You will be able to register for the workshop and the other EXTRA events during the competition week on-site or send an email ( with your binding registration.

on Thursday 10 October 2019, 15:00 - 17:00




PRIX EUROPA 2019 Nominations


After a very busy summer the results of our pre-selection are on the table. 

Over 650 intriguing, investigative and ingenuous pieces were submitted and ingested by 12 independent European media experts (Regulations § 6 Pre-selection Procedure).

And it is safe to say: The standard of European media production remains very high. 

Congratulations to all PRIX EUROPA 2019 Nominees! 

Please note that we only detail the submitting organisation – not all co-producers – at this stage. The submitters of the nominated productions will receive an email explaining the next steps.




Call for European Journalist of the Year 2019



European Journalist of the Year 2019

The Power of Dialogue

Did it ever cross your mind that in this murmur of tweeting, chatting, posting, commenting, press conferencing a real conversation might be called for?

With mounting pressure on the information media in terms of time, multiple media channels, finances and credibility, PRIX EUROPA wants to honour journalistic efforts that have successfully managed to open conversations, to bring adversaries together and paint bigger pictures. We are looking for a European journalist who has gone out of her or his way to enter into dialogue, to initiate a conversation, to talk to people or get people to talk to each other.

Somebody whose work has helped break through encrusted positions and change perspectives.

Dialogue leads to better mutual appreciation and solves problems, maintaining the grounds for a healthy democracy. Journalism that inspires dialogue can change the world.

Proposals from all genres and formats of journalism are welcome. Prix Europa is not necessarily looking for a person with continent-wide fame, but rather for a person who has gone outside her or his comfort zone and shown extraordinary creativity, courage and impact on her/his specific society or audience.

Please propose your candidate for the PRIX EUROPA Award as European Journalist of the Year 2019 by sending a short explanation for your proposal, her/his professional CV and contact details to

Deadline: Friday 20 September 2019.




PRIX EUROPA goes paperless


PRIX EUROPA goes paperless

This is good news for all submitters of the nominated radio productions – no copying of scripts (about 6000 copies), no expedition of about 100 parcels from all corners of the continent to the competition office.

The English translation of each script in Radio Fiction, Radio Documentary and Radio Current Affairs will be projected onto a big screen. So, submitters will have to send video files with the following technical requirements: Please adhere to our specifications.

Supported File Formats:      

* MP4 or MOV


* Background: white or light colour, plain

* Font / Colour / Size: Verdana, black, 60pt

* no LOGOS


* Codec: H.264/MPEG–4 AVC

* Resolution: between 640px and 1280px wide / SD

* Bitrate: 2,000 – 5,000kbps

* Aspect Ratio: 16:9


* Codec: AAC (Advanced Audio Codec)

* Sample Rate: 44.1kHz? (please note that in a lot of exporting / converting programmes

48 kHz is the automatic setting – please convert the sound correctly)

* Channels: 2-channel Stereo (not surround)

We recommend adhering to 1280px wide and 3,000 – 5,000kbps as the max settings for upload, as it will reduce the likeliness of upload errors.

Note: This is a new way of listening to the competition entries. The submitter has to make sure, that the listening and the reading are ‘in sync’. It is important, that the jury members are able to follow the written word (dialogue and directions), so give enough time to read each page.

Be aware of the pace of the audio. It is the responsibility of the submitter to quality control the finished file before sending it.

Naming convention: Name the video file with the English Title of the submission.

Uploading/ Sending: Please email the finished competing video file via WeTransfer to Use the category and the English title in the Subject header of your email.

Awards Trailer: Select between 20 to 90 seconds from your subtitled video file: a key moment, an audio gem, a lasting impression. Save, cut, name (English Title of submission + Awards Trailer) and send via WeTransfer to

Deadline: Both files of all nominated programmes must have been received by 15 September 2019.