MasterClass: DIGITIRL - The Art of Immersion in Public Service


DIGITIRL: The Art of Immersion in Public Service

A MasterClass on how to successfully mix digital offers & real life events to involve, interact and connect stronger to your audience.

Frank Rose (Digital media expert, Wired): “As we spend ever more time in the digital world, what’s becoming increasingly valued is the time we do not spend in front of a screen—the time we spend with real  people and real things. It’s not that we’re abandoning digital—far from it. But as we buy more apps, e-books and downloads, and as digital screens become our default interface with the world, we seem  to increasingly seek out physical objects and experiences”.

DESCRIPTION: Public Service Broadcasters are all stepping up on the digital burning platforms. But there seems to be an emerging need to also embrace the digital fatigue – the sheer fact that we still need to connect and share and create things together in real life, even if we are online 24/7.

Those PS Broadcasters who manage to cleverly combine strong digital offers and real life events – let’s call it DIGITIRL – will stand stronger in the future of immersed media.

In this MasterClass you will get an introduction to the world of DIGITIRL from Kåre V. Poulsen and meet European creators of new, inspiring projects in this area:

•   Camilla Laudruo: ULTRA : BIT (DR)

•   Damian Machaj & Edita Kudláčová : ‘Project 68’ from Chezk Radio

•   Tiina Klemettilä from YLE – ‘Sauna project’/1 mio Birdhouses

You will be able to register for the MasterClass on-site or send an email ( with your binding registration.

Friday, 11 October 2019, 11.00 - 13:00, TV Iris Room