Shortlist of Nominations European Journalist of the Year

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Shortlist of Nominations European Journalist of the Year

(sorted by county and last name)

Florian Klenk, Austria

Armin Wolf, Austria

Lode Desmet, Belgium

Magdalena Sodomkova, Czech Republic

Jessika Aro, Finland

Frederic Martel, France

Karin de Miguel, Germany

Juan Moreno, Germany

Thomas Sideris, Greece

Lois Kapila, Ireland

Fintan O'Toole, Ireland

Yury Dud, Russian Federation

Joachim Dyfvermark, Sweden

Katarina Gunnarsson, Sweden

Katya Adler, United Kingdom

Mark Daly, United Kingdom

John Harris, United Kingdom

We will contact the winner on time to attend the Awards Ceremony on 11 October 2019 in Potsdam.