Soila Valkama, Producer and Director at Yle, the Finnish Broadcasting Company

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Soila Valkama, Producer and Director at Yle, the Finnish Broadcasting Company

'Fiction brings things and events into close perspective, radio fiction being its most intimate form. Associative soundscapes breed images, using the listener’s own mind as the source. I strongly believe in radio fiction.
Listening to radio fiction is becoming increasingly popular.
People are so exposed to visual impulses every day, that radio fiction as a form of storytelling gives them something else, something which is more personal and accessible.
The auteurs it challenges into constantly exploring new techniques, driving them to finding ways to create even more fascinating soundscapes.'

Soila Valkama is a director, a dramaturge and an actress. She taught radio directing, acting and dramaturgy at the University of Birzeit on the West Bank in 1998 and has worked as a director, dramaturge, producer and as a programme developer with Yle, the Finnish Broadcasting Company since 1999. 

She will coordinate the Radio Fiction Jury Group.


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PRIX EUROPA is looking for entries, which by the quality of their content and form equally convince audiences and professionals. The programmes should bear the cultural imprint of their place of origin, yet also reach people of other cultures, thus making them suitable to be broadcast outside of the country in which they were produced.