Hugh Levinson will join us again as Coordinator for the Radio Current Affairs Jury Group

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Hugh Levinson will join us again as Coordinator for the Radio Current Affairs Jury Group

'Like many working in journalism in the UK, I cannot recall a time when national opinion was so divided and so bitter. This is most obvious over Brexit but opinions seem to be hardening on a range of issues. We are pushing each other apart - or perhaps pushing ourselves apart. I am sure many colleagues from other European nations will have experienced similar phenomena. This makes the task of Radio Current Affairs ever more necessary: to tell stories in a way which will engage listeners from both sides of a debate and to enable all to appreciate just a little more of the complexity of the world around us.’

Hugh Levinson is head of the Radio Current Affairs department for the BBC, based in London and Salford. He began his career in local radio in Liverpool, spent three years at a newspaper in Tokyo before returning to the BBC, working in daily radio journalism then moving to current affairs. He fell in love with radio documentaries and have stayed in this department pretty much ever since – presenting, producing and editing long-form radio. He currently edits the Analysis series and the Reith Lectures, working with among others Stephen Hawking and Hilary Mantel. He also makes online text and video and produces some of the UK’s most popular podcasts.