Diversity expert Daniela Drastata will chair the TV Iris Jury Group

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Diversity expert Daniela Drastata will chair the TV Iris Jury Group

The Croatian producer Daniela Drastata is joining our team this year as Coordinator of the TV Iris Jury Group. 

Daniela Drastata is a journalist and producer at HRT and currently chairlady of the Intercultural and Diversity Group of the EBU. She has been strongly involved in international documentary co-productions dealing with diversity and multicultural issues. For the second season, she works as an executive producer of the international series New Neighbours.

At HRT, Daniela works as an editor-in-chief, reporter and presenter of a weekly multicultural magazine and produces documentaries on human rights. For many years she has been running the HRT Diversity Department. She won couple of awards including one for best TV journalism in Croatia, 2017.

"My passion are documentary films on human rights... 

I know from the previous years that Iris brings together a lot of excellence and experience great film makers and great people! "

The TV Iris category invites programmes that deal explicitly with the culturally diverse character of European societies and contribute towards equality, understanding and tolerance between people of different origins, cultures and religions. TV Iris seeks to be an incentive for programme practitioners to devote their attention to the ethnic diversity aspect of European societies. Programmes can be fiction or documentaries, children or entertainment programmes, that have 'cultural diversity' as central theme.
