10 scholarships awarded

10 scholarships awarded for the Åke Blomström Masterclass at the upcoming PRIX EUROPA

This year’s Åke Blomström Masterclass received 52 applications from 20 countries.
An international jury reviewed all entries and made its choice.
The 10 scholarships for the Åke Blomström Masterclass 2024 in Berlin go to:

Carys Wall, United Kingdom

Fabiana Blasco, Germany

James Bonney, United Kingdom (Wales)

Karolina Szulejewska, Germany (Poland)

Lydia Bandolin Sörlin & Miranda Wretman, Sweden (shared)

Marcia Sandee, Netherlands

Omara Poppe, Belgium

Robin Mayer, Czech Republic

Rytis Skamarakas, Lithuania

Tereza Simanová, Slovakia

The Masterclass will be held at the start of PRIX EUROPA 2024 on 5 & 6 October 2024 in Berlin. During the two-day Masterclass the invited participants will have the unique opportunity to learn from the best audio documentary makers in Europe, to glean their secrets and get their advice.

Congratulations! We will see you in Berlin!(email to press@prixeuropa.eu)