PRIX EUROPA 2019 will - for the first time – award the Best European Radio Documentary Series of the Year.

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Radio Documentary Series

PRIX EUROPA 2019 will - for the first time – award the Best European Radio Documentary Series of the Year. With this latest addition the festival recognises what many European broadcasters have been suggesting.

We are looking for the best Radio series made in Europe that are outstanding due to their quality of content and form and which appeal to their audiences at home or further afield, and to the professional listeners alike. Each submitter can enter one series and has 30 minutes of presentation time for the entry.

Programmes may be entered by all radio organisations, audio production companies and independent producers based in Europe. It is crucial, that the submitter holds the festival rights for the entry.

The call for single Radio Documentaries remains unaffected: Each submitter has 90 minutes of presentation time which can be spread over up to 2 entries.

Relevant and applicable to all radio submissions is, that podcasts can be submitted into all radio categories, provided they abide by the regulations.

The long and short of it is: Radio Documentaries are thriving - be they single features or series. Keep your entries coming.

All the details under Regulations 2019.

The deadline for submitting is 1 July 2019.