Public meets media makers


Panel debate about the credibility of media, Saturday 14 October 2017 at noon, organised together with the Federal Agency for Civic Education (BPB)

How can viewers, listeners, readers get orientation in the globally networked media world? Buzzwords like “fake news” and “alternative facts” create uncertainty. Not all sources are reliable. How can the audience distinguish between invented and critically researched facts, between propaganda and information?

Join a public debate with:

Patricia Schlesinger, Director General of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, rbb
Eva Schulz, Social Media journalist (i.a. Deutschland3000, Hochkant)
Maximilian Popp, Turkey correspondent, “Der Spiegel”
Prof. Stephan Russ-Mohl, Director of the European Journalism Observatory and Professor of Journalism and Media Management at the University of Lugano
Joanna Stolarek, Journalist and board member of Neue Deutsche Medienmacher (New German Media Professionals)

The host is Christine Watty, moderator and reporter at Deutschlandfunk Kultur.

Please register here.