Call for proposals - European Journalist of the Year 2018


PRIX EUROPA the Continental Media Competition is looking for a European journalist who has gone out of her or his way to bring new voices into public debate.

Excellent journalism can highlight voices that are suppressed, misunderstood or just not commonly heard. Thus inspiring people with different experiences to talk - instead of just judging each other.

Journalism, seeking to reflect more voices, leads to better mutual appreciation and maintains the grounds of a healthy democracy.

Proposals from all genres and formats of journalism are welcome. We are not necessarily looking for a person with continent-wide fame, but rather for a person who has gone outside her/his comfort zone and shown extraordinary creativity, courage and impact on her/his specific society or audience.

Please propose your candidates for the PRIX EUROPA Award as European Journalist of the Year 2018 by sending her/his professional cv and attaching a short explanation for your proposal.

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Deadline: 21 September 2018.