Who will be European Journalist of the Year 2017?


For the first time media makers all over the continent are asked to nominate colleagues who have made an outstanding contribution to the credibility and indispensability of journalism.

PRIX EUROPA is not necessarily looking for journalists with continent-wide fame, but rather for a person who has shown extraordinary courage, creativity and on-going impact on his/her specific society or audience. Let’s raise awareness for the achievements of our trade.
Proposals from all genres and formats of journalism are welcome.

Please send your proposals accompanied by a short explanatory statement and the contact details of the nominee by 15 September 2017 to

By doing so you will automatically qualify for a PRIX EUROPA travel grant that will be raffled among all of you who have proposed a candidate.

The European Journalist of the Year will be awarded with the Outstanding Achievement Award at the PRIX EUROPA Prizegiving Ceremony on 20 October 2017 in Berlin.