Digital Media Projects

01       Fixing the Future - Casting New Ideas  /  Austria

02       Plus Thirty-two "+32"  /  Belgium

03       Dataville  /  Czech Republic

04       Divided by Freedom  /  Czech Republic

05       Single Poem  /  Czech Republic

06       Fish Bingo  /  Denmark

07       The (Fiction Writing) Stranger - Who is DK  /  Denmark

08       The Dead Are Speaking  /  Finland

09       Gloomy Eyes  /  France

10       M.O.A.  - My Own Assistant  /  France

11       Republique  /  France

12       Children’s Books Authors Read for Children  /  Germany

13       Mal angenommen / What if  - the tagesschau future podcast  /  Germany

14       Mindmap on Radio Art / Radiophonic Spaces  /  Germany

15       Social Score - Nothing to Hide  /  Germany

16       The Liberation  /  Germany

17       Throwback89 – The Instagram Diary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall  /  Germany

18       United We Stream Berlin  /  Germany

19       WDR AR 1933-1945  /  Germany

20       #I’mNotAHero  /  Italy

21       AI Song Contest  /  The Netherlands

22       "I can't hear …"  /  Poland

23       Thousands Women Murdered  /  Spain

24       #klaracorona - creative solutions take us through the crisis  /  Sweden

25       The Great Moose Migration  /  Sweden

26       Unzipped. Alcohol - The Report  /  Switzerland

27       BBC Lockdown Orchestra: You Got The Love  /  United Kingdom