Ali Fegan, Sweden
Coordinator Video Investigation
‘In an increasingly fragmented media landscape, public service remains a guarantor that important stories are shared. This is especially true for investigative journalism.’
Ali Fegan is an investigative reporter at SVT.
Since 2008 Ali Fegan has worked mainly as a reporter, but also as producer, host and researcher at Scandinavia´s largest investigative TV-show ‘Uppdrag granskning’. For the last couple of years, he has focused on and participated in various international collaborations with media such as the Guardian, Bellingcat, Le Monde and Süddeutsche Zeitung, in investigations on the UN, the Catholic Church, Russian spies, state corruption and human trafficking. He has been nominated and won several national and international prizes such as Emmy 2019, IRE 2009 and 2019, Dig Awards 2016 and PRIX EUROPA 2019.
Ali Fegan coordinates the Video Investigation Category.